Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Everyone else is doing it...

If someone else told me this I would honestly think they're making it up...but I notice a trend that a lot of my friends are going into missions work or other full time ministry work.

That might sound sort of obvious, coming from someone who works from a ministry that does international missions work...except for the fact that I'm talking about friends that I had before I started chasing after what God was calling me to.

As a point of reference over the summer I've had one friend leave the country for full time missions work, another has started down the road to missions training in Guatemala then full time missions after that....

Today, I recieved an email from a 3rd friend who was offered a missions position in Zambia that he will leave for around February.

I'm open to your feedback on this trend.

1 comment:

Christy said...

I agree with what you said. In reading your newsletters and now this blog I am feeling a great desire to become involved as well. I enjoy my job, but it's a job. I know it is not what I am called to do. I know it is not what God has planned for me. There are few rewards to a "job", the rewards are endless when we are doing God's work.