Thursday, September 11, 2008

What is a hero?

Yes I know this appears to deviate from my theme and purpose, since this is my blog and since today is the day that it is  I 'll take the liberty to discuss it. I also I believe it applies to many missionaries.

I wish I could remember where I first heard it so that I could attribute the quote correctly, but the best definition I ever heard for a hero was something like this -

A hero is someone who is running into a place, while everyone else is running out.

Think about it for a second, and think about the people you consider heroes.

This statement applies to everyone from firefighters, to missionaries working in dangerous areas, to the Lord Jesus Himself.

For a firefighter the place could be a burning building, for a missionary it could be a country that everyone else is abandonding and for Christ it could be the life of a person that everyone else thinks is hopeless.  

But God commends His love toward us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us. 
(Rom 5:8)

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